Unsere News
Cloud and sensitive information systems: summary of ANSSI recommendations
Cloud and sensitive information systems: summary of ANSSI recommendations Whether for profit, espion…
Samira joins the Ventio team as a research scientist!
Samira joins the Ventio team as a research scientist! Samira, You joined the Ventio team a few weeks…
Health data & value-added tools for radiology
Reusing healthcare data to develop value-added tools for radiology Stéphane Roche, Miguel Guevara, L…
QSMetric Potential Indications – Haemochromatosis
QSMetric Potential Indications – Haemochromatosis Discover a potential indication of QSMetric™…
QSMetric Potential Indications – Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation
QSMetric Potential Indications – Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation Discover a pot…
QSMetric Potential Indications – Huntington disease
QSMetric Potential Indications – Huntington disease Discover a potential indication of QSMetri…
QSMetric Potential Indications – Traumatic brain injury
QSMetric Potential Indications – Traumatic brain injury Discover a potential indication of QSM…
QSMetric Potential Indications – Multiple sclerosis
QSMetric Potential Indications – Multiple sclerosis Discover a potential indication of QSMetri…
QSMetric Potential Indications – Vascular dementia
QSMetric Potential Indications – Vascular dementia Discover a potential indication of QSMetric…
QSMetric Potential Indications – Parkinson disease
QSMetric Potential Indications – Parkinson disease Discover a potential indication of QSMetric…
QSMetric Potential Indications – Alzheimer’s and related diseases
QSMetric Potential Indications – Alzheimer’s and related diseases Discover a potential i…
QSMetric Potential Indications[Context] Iron, iron accumulation and ferroptosis
QSMetric Potential Indications [Context] Iron, iron accumulation and ferroptosis Dr ROCHE Stéphane B…
How and why implement ISO27001?
How and why implement ISO27001? Committed to a quality approach involving information security manag…
Stephane Roche becomes CEO of Ventio
Stephane Roche becomes CEO of Ventio Technical Director for the past 2 years, Dr Stephane Roche took…
[Revue Polytechnique]
Imaging services at the cutting edge of innovation and with very high added value In March 2024 issu…
Ventio – our vision
Following its participation in Journées Francophones de Radiologie 2023, Ventio presents its service…
Französische Tage der Radiologie JFR2023
Ventio in den Startlöchern für die #JFR2023! 🏃 Wir freuen uns, Sie vom 13. bis 16. Oktober bei den F…
Genehmigung der französischen Forschungszulage (Crédit d’impôt recherche, CIR). Ventio kann Sie jetzt bei Ihren Forschungsprojekten unterstützen!
Forschungszulagengesetz Genehmigung der französischen Forschungszulage (Crédit d’impôt recherc…
Ventio beim „Workshop BioImaging and the EOSC“ in Heidelberg in Germany – Fokus auf der FAIRification von Bilddaten
Ventio beim „Workshop BioImaging and the EOSC“ in Heidelberg in Germany – Fokus au…
Welche Mechanismen setzt Ventio ein um die Qualität und Sicherheit seiner Cloud- und biomedizinischen Bildverarbeitungsdienste zu gewährleisten?
Welche Mechanismen setzt Ventio ein um die Sicherheit seiner Cloud und biomedizinischen Bilddatenver…
Ventio beim SFRMBM Congress 2023
Ventio beim SFRMBM Congress 2023 Als Sponsor des SFRMBM-Kongresses 2023 (Société Française de Résona…
Miguel Guevara1, Davy Cam4, Jacques Badagbon4, Stéphane Roche4, Michel Bottlaender3, Yann Cointepas1…
Wie und warum sollte software testing implementiert werden ?
Wie und warum sollte software testing implementiert werden ? Davy wird ISTQB-Experte Im Dezemb…
Ventio joins Medicen for the development of innovative health technologies
Ventio joins Medicen for the development of innovative health technologies. Medicen is 120 companies…
Ahead : We are sponsor of the 2023 congress of the French Society of Magnetic Resonance and Medical …
QSM Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Dr. Stephane ROCHE, PhD, Dr. Ludovic de ROCHEFORT, PhD; November 2022 Definition: QSM (Quantitative …
Innovationspreis für medizinische Bildgebung
Ventio erhält den Innovationspreis für medizinische Bildgebung (JFR, Paris, 2022) Die 70. Ausgabe de…
QMR Lucca workshop on QSM and MRI
QMR Joint Workshop on MR phase, magnetic susceptibility and electrical properties mapping Lucca (Ita…
World Alzheimer’s Day 2022
Ventio participates to the follow-up of Alzheimer’s disease patients by offering a patented, i…
Ihr Partner für Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Europa
Ihr Partner für Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Europa QSM ist ein innovatives, patentiertes …
Deciphering the new CNIL guidelines on health data warehouses, Ventio gives you its synthesis!
On November 17, 2021, after eight months of work and a consultation in which some forty stakeholders…
Thesis of Samira Mchinda
Optimisation théorique et expérimentale de la technique IRM du transfert d’aimantation inhomogène po…
Publikationen des Fachgebiets
Iron load in the normal aging brain
Iron load in the normal aging brain measured with QSM and R2* at 7T: findings of the SENIOR cohort M…
Health data & value-added tools for radiology
Reusing healthcare data to develop value-added tools for radiology Stéphane Roche, Miguel Guevara, L…
Miguel Guevara1, Davy Cam4, Jacques Badagbon4, Stéphane Roche4, Michel Bottlaender3, Yann Cointepas1…
QSM Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Dr. Stephane ROCHE, PhD, Dr. Ludovic de ROCHEFORT, PhD; November 2022 Definition: QSM (Quantitative …
QMR Lucca 2022
QSM4SENIOR: Quantitative susceptibility mapping in the aging of the healthy brain. Miguel Guevara1,2…
How does QSM perform in detecting this process?
Brain pathological changes during neurodegenerative diseases and their identification methods: How d…
510(k) Premarket Notification Device Classification Name system, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging …
QSM Patent
Accurate quantification of magnetic susceptibility in molecular mri Inventor: Yi Wang, Ludovic De Ro…
SENIOR cohort : Imaging the aging brain
Imaging the aging brain: study design and baseline findings of the SENIOR cohort Alexa Haeger, Jean-…
Clinical Integration of QSM into Neurosurgical Practice
Clinical Integration of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Magnetic Resonance Imaging into Neurosur…
Clinical Integration of Automated Processing for Brain QSM
Clinical Integration of Automated Processing for Brain Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping: Multi-Si…
APP Ab38 Ab40 in FTD
Decreased sAβPPβ, Aβ38, and Aβ40 Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels in Frontotemporal Dementia Gabelle, Audr…