QSMetric Potential Indications – Alzheimer’s and related diseases

QSMetric Potential Indications – Alzheimer’s and related diseases

Discover a potential indication of QSMetric™ technology.

Dr ROCHE Stéphane

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder affecting various brain regions.

The pathophysiological process involves an accumulation of Aβ peptides and Tau proteins associated with intracerebral iron modulation triggering neuronal death via the ferroptosis mechanism.

Alongside Aβ, Tau and phospoTau protein biomarkers, PET-Scan medical imaging enables visualization of Aβ peptide and Tau protein aggregates. Iron accumulations can be visualized and quantified without injection of contrast media using QSM MRI technology.

This is a potential marker of ferroptosis. This quantification of iron by QSM in deep intracerebral regions is potentially linked to prodromal early stages of the disease. QSM could enable earlier detection and improve longitudinal follow-up of patients. This technology is also of great interest for therapeutic follow-up and monitoring the side effects of innovative therapies.