Ventio at the “Workshop BioImaging and the EOSC” at Heidelberg in Germany – focus on the FAIRification of imaging data

A month ago, Ventio was proud to take part in the BioImaging and the European Open Science Cloud Workshop held in Heidelberg on April 19 and 20. Two days of meetings with numerous EOSC-Life project leaders, exchanges with specialized companies, and work on tools, access, sharing and processing of imaging data.
On the first day, various organizations presented their initiatives in favor of the FAIRification of imaging data: inspiring presentations detailing the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) and their application in practice. During the round table, we discussed ways of facilitating the generation of FAIR data.
The following day, three use cases were described, including one by Miguel Guevara presenting the work carried out within the framework of our partnership in the QSM4SENIOR project (led by Neurospin and Ventio, and supported by EOSC-Life). This was an important milestone, enabling us to present the interim results of this project dedicated to the study of iron loading as a quantitative imaging biomarker of aging and brain disease. Another highlight of the Workshop was a visit to the impressive infrastructure of the EMBL Imaging Center.
Many thanks to BioImaging and EOSC-Life for organizing these 2 exciting days around imaging data and their use.