Research Tax Credit approval.
Ventio can support you in your R&D projects!
It’s official: Ventio has just been certified as an RTC-approved R&D private organisation for the period 2022-2024!
After reviewing our application, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) has recognised Ventio’s ability to provide research and development services as a subcontractor for third-party companies wishing to outsource certain R&D operations.
This accreditation attests of the high level of expertise of Ventio’s R&D team and strengthens the confidence of our clients in this type of subcontracted R&D service.
At the head of Ventio, Ludovic de Rochefort, PhD in physics/medical imaging and Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR), was joined a year ago by Stéphane Roche, PhD, HDR in biomedical engineering, reinforcing the management of the technical and scientific staff. All the members of the team share the same passion for research, development and innovation that are in our company’s DNA.
What is CIR (RTC) R&D approval?
This is a decision taken by the MESRI (French Ministry of Research, Innovation and Industry), which is issued to private research organisations after rigorous examination of a proposal describing, in particular, the R&D team and its qualifications, as well as an in-house research and development operation demonstrating the organisation’s capacity to carry out research. This approval, provided for in Article 244 quater B, II-d of the General Tax Code, enables a principal to increase its R&D capacity while benefiting from the RTC on expenditure subcontracted to the approved organisation.
Please note: RTC approval should not be confused with CII innovation tax credit approval! While both allow you to benefit from a tax credit and can be combined, they do not cover the same expenditure and work:

The work eligible for the RTC is:
- Fundamental research
- Applied research
- Experimental development
The work eligible for the CII is:
- Pilot installation of a new product
- The design and production of a prototype
Approval for the R&D RTC also enables Ventio to have SMEs benefiting from the CII on eligible subcontracted projects.
Ventio obtains RTC approval
RTC R&D approval is obtained after submission of a detailed report on a research and development operation carried out by the organisation, as well as an assessment of the team’s professional skills.
The first application must be made in the first quarter, while renewal applications must be made at the end of the approval period.
The application must demonstrate a record of in-house R&D activities, with at least one planned, rigorous research and development operation focused on producing research results. As the application was made in 2022, Ventio has therefore chosen to present an activity carried out in 2020-2021, an operation that is fully documented in its approval file (description of the problem, followed paths, obtained results, etc.).
The positive decision received in April 2023, after evaluation by MESRI experts, is issued for a period of three years starting in the year of application.
The challenging and exciting work involved in carrying out a structured R&D operation over the period 2020-2021 means that we can now support companies as subcontractors on research projects at the frontier between digital technology and health, particularly in the fields of information and communication, biomedical imaging, inverse problems and optimisation, machine learning and data protection, while enabling them to see their investments eligible for the RTC.
How can I benefit from the RTC for subcontracted Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) activities?
Are you an innovative company looking to boost your R&D&I capacity on a one-off or long-term basis? To strengthen your strike force quickly and effectively, rather than recruiting internally in areas in which you are not an expert, you can call on the services of a subcontractor who already has the scientific skills and technical resources to do the job. Indeed, when it comes to research, the critical point for a company wishing to innovate is to be able to find the right people – which is usually a long and risky process when the choice is made to form an in-house team. This is why outsourcing R&D to an accredited organization such as Ventio is an efficient choice.
First of all, you need to find an accredited organization, by requesting the approval or by consulting this directory (please note that the list is not exhaustive).
Subsequently, the content of the work and the deliverables will have to be defined contractually, and it will have to be checked that the work does indeed cover Research, Development and Innovation activities – and the industrial property clauses on the results of this subcontracted service will have to be defined.
Once you have received the invoice from your subcontractor, you can include this expense in the basis for your RTC – which greatly supports your R&D investment. More details ? Please, have a look at the tax doctrine.
Contractual research therefore naturally complements our in-house and partnership research activities.
By offering a subcontracted R&D&I service, Ventio enriches its dynamic by making research and innovation a deeper part of its DNA.
Do you want to innovate quickly and effectively? Contact Ventio to help you.