Founder, Ludovic de Rochefort is a doctor in physics, specialist in biomedical imaging and holder of the habilitation to direct research. He is certified LSTI ISO/IEC 27001 Implementer (information security management), Data Protection Officer (CNIL/PECB DPO competencies, sensitive data processing), expert in open source technologies and design of your secure containerized applications (linux, openstack, docker), expert in research and development (disruptive technologies) and specialist in biomedical sciences and imaging (ORCID).
Miguel Guevara1, Davy Cam4, Jacques Badagbon4, Stéphane Roche4, Michel Bottlaender3, Yann Cointepas1…
QMRLucca 2022
QSM4SENIOR: Quantitative susceptibility mapping in the aging of the healthy brain. Miguel Guevara1,2…
QSM Patent
Accurate quantification of magnetic susceptibility in molecular mri Inventor: Yi Wang, Ludovic De Ro…
Clinical Integration of Automated Processing for Brain QSM
Clinical Integration of Automated Processing for Brain Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping: Multi-Si…
Clinical Integration of QSM into Neurosurgical Practice
Clinical Integration of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Magnetic Resonance Imaging into Neurosur…
Quantitative susceptibility map reconstruction
Quantitative susceptibility map reconstruction from MR phase data using bayesian regularization: Val…
Quantitative MR susceptibility mapping
Quantitative MR susceptibility mapping using piece-wise constant regularized inversion of the magnet…